Useful Tips

Metals, pesticides and chemical residues: the worst soil contaminants

At Hidronor we contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint through our remediation and sanitation services for contaminated land.

Heavy metals are one of the biggest soil contaminants. These include cadmium and lead, present in the environment and which can affect some biological processes because they are not degradable (like organic components).

And it is precisely the accumulation of chemical substances of this type that causes soil pollution, in addition to garbage. The former can be industrial or domestic, and can be found in liquid waste (such as wastewater from homes), or due to atmospheric pollution (material in the form of particles suspended in the air that then falls to the ground when it rains). 

The excessive felling of trees, livestock farming and intensive agriculture – since for these tasks they usually use drugs, pesticides and fertilizers that contaminate the fields – are also activities that cause this pollution due to the dispersion, spill or transfer of dangerous substances, among others.

To contribute to the reduction of this major problem, at Hidronor we work towards environmental sustainability and the reduction of climate change by reducing the carbon footprint through our remediation and sanitation services for contaminated land. Together with our specialized team we carry out the sampling, analysis, removal, treatment and/or recovery of the contaminated area.

Together we can help stop the pollution of the planet!


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