Industry News

Climate change will be addressed in Congress

Cambio climático

Published on June 7, 2015.-

Strategies and management for the challenges around Water, Waste and Recycling The International Conference on Climate Change: Perspective from the Southern Cone, to be held at AmbientAL 2015, will focus on the issue of climate change, waste management, water management and non-fossil energy sources. In this instance, Hidronor will participate talking about its national experience in this regard. Frederik Evendt, General Manager of Hidronor, assures that it will be an excellent platform to give advice and internal management of industrial, hazardous or residential waste; characterization, remediation of contaminated sites, transportation, revaluation, treatment and final disposal of the same, services offered by Hidronor, with the highest national and international standards in terms of safety, environment and quality. Source: Economía y Negocios online, June 7, 2015. Check the full article here.


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