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World Water Day: Let's promote the good use of this resource together


Initiatives for the caring of the environment - such as circular economy, sustainability, among others - are gaining strength every day. An example of this is the decree of March 22 as World Water Day, which was proclaimed by the UN in 1992 in order to be a reference date to promote meetings and initiatives that encourage greater awareness for the proper use, reuse and water rationing.

This same body established the "2030 Agenda" with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), among which water plays a fundamental role. The main goal of these water SDGs is “to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, based on figures that refer to water scarcity, which today affects 4 out of 10 people in the world and 90% of natural disasters that are water-related (UNISDR data).

As of March 2021, the “Blue Certificate” will begin to be implemented in our country, a clean production agreement through which companies will be able to lower their taxes thanks to the application of concrete measures in sustainable water management.

To contribute to the fulfillment of this common cause, at Hidronor we promote the circular economy and contribute to the proper use and reuse of this resource, because we not only recover and revalue RILs so that they can be reused by other companies, but we also benefit from some, as wastewater, to operate in our own process plants.

Water is everyone's right… Let's promote the good use of this resource together!



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