Hidronor News

Learn how to properly manage industrial and hazardous waste in Chile

Gestion residuos industriales y peligrosos Chile Hidronor

The current regulations to ensure the proper management of industrial and hazardous waste in Chile are increasingly demanding. Proof of this are the different initiatives implemented by Extended Producer Responsibility Law (EPR Law), where the objective is that each company has to take charge of its waste in a responsible way and determine the best alternative to dispose of it in a safe and sustainable manner.

As a solution to this problem, at Hidronor, we have more than 25 years of experience being leaders in the market for the management and treatment of industrial, hazardous and household waste through comprehensive and efficient environmental processes and solutions for the management of revaluation, treatment and final disposal of waste.

We have industrial waste treatment plants along with a highly qualified and committed team of professionals covering all of Chile, to provide comprehensive advice on industrial waste management in different areas.

We invite you to learn more about us at https://www.hidronor.cl/quienes-somos/sobre-nosotros/


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