Hidronor News

At Hidronor we train our clients for the correct management of hazardous waste

Hidronor realiza capacitacion a clientes para la correcta gestion de residuos peligrosos

With the aim of providing support to our clients and sharing our technical know-how for the correct management of generated waste we, on March 28th, gave a speech on this subject to the Agrícola Super (Agrosuper) company, a holding company of Chilean food companies dedicated particularly to the production, distribution and marketing of fresh and frozen pork, poultry, salmon and processed products.

The meeting, held online and given by the person in charge of SGI, was attended by fifteen collaborators from Agrosuper’s operational, as well as, administrative areas who were all very grateful for the information presented by the company.

During the activity, matters as those related to waste generation at a national level, relevant DS148 information, types of waste generated, operation and revaluation treatment of waste on behalf of Hidronor, co-processing technologies, EPR Law, among others were presented.

Once Hidronor’s presentation ended, an open chat was enabled where those present had the opportunity to clarify their doubts in relation to topics such as modifications made to the DS148, EPR Law and classification and conditioning of hazardous waste.

To conclude the meeting, Daniela Mancilla, Hidronor Sales Engineer, highlighted that "at Hidronor we care about promoting meetings and activities of this type with the aim of keeping our community informed on issues relevant to the proper management and operation of hazardous waste, working to build a more sustainable country for all”.


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