Useful Tips

What to do with hazardous waste and thus avoid the negative impact on the environment?

Residuos Industriales peligrosos

Batteries, heavy metals, contaminated substances, among others, are just some of the elements considered dangerous waste, according to Decree 148 of the MINSAL.

If they are not controlled in time, they can emanate polluting gases that are then breathed by animals and humans, or contaminate the water by dragging waste that is finally deposited in lakes and oceans, among other negative consequences.

With the aim of helping to prevent these effects, at Hidronor we give you some practical advice on what to do with used and unusable batteries, for example:

  • Dispose of used batteries using the selective containers that exist. Once collected by companies specializing in the matter, they are taken to a recycling plant where they separate the mercury from other metals, taking advantage of the rest of the materials to reintroduce them into the industrial production chain for different purposes.
  • Recuerda que cada pila debe ser dispuesta conscientemente y que el cuidado del medio ambiente comienza desde el hogar. 

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