Useful Tips

Household waste and composting

Residuos domésticos y compostaje

Published on March 21, 2017.-

Food remains are organic waste and make up 48% of the garbage produced in Chilean homes. Proper treatment of these would reduce the volume of waste, thus lowering the cost of its collection, in addition to producing compost through composting, and generating energy thanks to methane gas.

Composting is the natural decomposition process of organic waste that does not require energy consumption or generate bad odors. The result is a soil rich in nutrients, ideal for use in crops as natural fertilizer. At the same time, organic waste can generate energy thanks to methane gas, which is produced in the waste fermentation process.

The advantages of separating and classifying household waste are obvious and, if properly treated, would have a great impact on an economic, environmental and public health level.

Source: FCH


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