At Hidronor we are working to develop innovative alternatives for the management of this waste in order to contribute to the circular economy.
The installation of solar panels is one of the best alternatives to generate clean energy and save money in the long term, but what happens when they are disused after completing their cycle?
It is estimated that by 2030 there would be between 10 and 30 thousand tons of discarded panels, by 2040 there would be between 120 and 140 thousand tons of waste, while by 2050 it would exceed 300 thousand tons.
At Hidronor we are innovating in projects for the valorization of photovoltaic panels o respond in a timely manner to the need for sustainable management that Chile and the world need today, in addition to contributing to the circular economy. As? Valuing its main components.
Around 20% of the panel is made up of aluminum structures that can be recovered in our country; The other 60 to 70% is made up of glass, which, according to international applications, has been reused as an input in construction and for the production of recycled glass; and the other 10% is made up of the panel's photovoltaic cell, which, through pyrometallurgy or hydrometallurgy processes, allows the recovery of valuable metals. Therefore, it could be possible to recycle up to 100% or allocate less than 30% of a panel to confinement.
At Hidronor we face this problem and provide services and solutions for the recycling and recovery of hazardous and non-hazardous waste to avoid emissions of polluting gases!