Useful Tips

March 5: World Energy Efficiency Day


How can we contribute to this cause in a practical way to protect the planet? At Hidronor we give you some advice.

Since 1998, World Energy Efficiency Day has been celebrated every March 5. The initiative, which emerged in Austria during the First International Conference on Energy Efficiency, has the objective of raising awareness among all people about the need to reduce energy consumption through reasonable and sustainable use of energy.

Chile also joins this challenge and since 2021 has Law 21,305 on Energy Efficiency, which seeks to promote the rational and efficient use of various energy sources, and thus contribute to improving productivity, economic competitiveness and quality. of people's lives.

In order to contribute to this cause, at Hidronor we give you some tips to put into practice and protect the planet:

  • Unplug unused devices.
  • Turn off lights and electronic equipment.
  • Perform maintenance on devices.
  • Use efficient bulbs.
  • Check that there are no so-called “ground leaks”, that is, that once all electrical appliances and lights have been turned off, the measuring disc continues to rotate.
  • Help plant trees.

Our contribution as a company to the commemoration of this day is to provide services for the energy revaluation, in addition to being a key player in the management and treatment of industrial and hazardous waste, and lately we have incorporated the possibility of recycle solar panels to contribute to the country's circular economy.

Let's promote together the good use of energy, care for the environment and optimal management of industrial waste!


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