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Industry News

Clean Production Agreements (APL): Fundamental plans to build a greener industry


As is well known, Chile is the best positioned country in the region for the promotion of public policies that make it possible to reverse the serious effects of climate change, with special emphasis on the establishment of regulations associated with the increase in the circular economy, as is the case of the Extended Producer Responsibility Law (REP Law), the Roadmap for a Circular Chile by 2040, the Clean Production Agreements (APL), among others.

With respect to this last point, it is worth noting that the APLs -agreements developed between a business sector, private companies and public organizations associated with it- make it possible to encourage clean production through specific goals and actions that are related to environmental issues, hygiene and occupational safety, energy efficiency, efficiency in the use of water, among others, seeking to generate synergy and economies of scale in the achievement of the agreed objectives, as well as increase productive efficiency and improve competitiveness, with what is contributes greatly to the increase of the circular economy.

To date, APLs have played a fundamental role in controlling the generation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and industrial waste in Chile, achieving a reduction of 1.6 million tons of CO2 during the last 10 years, a figure that is not less than demonstrates the great contribution of these to mitigate the effects of global warming.

At Hidronor we support the creation of this public-private cooperation system by contributing with our associated services to the remediation and recovery of contaminated land; analysis and characterization of residues; transport, treatment and final disposal of waste, among others.

Together it is possible to build a more sustainable country for everyone!


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