Useful Tips

Let's contribute to a circular economy with electronic waste recycling


Due to accelerated technological advancement, electronic waste and electrical waste quickly become obsolete, becoming polluting waste and harmful to the environment and people. In this scenario, electronic waste recycling is known internationally as E-WASTE, considered the new garbage of the 21st century.

Nearly 200 thousand tons of electronic scrap are generated in Chile per year on average. Of them, only a minimal part, 3.4%, is collected and recycled properly. This scrap represents a risk, since in many cases it can contain highly polluting toxic materials, becoming a great threat to the ecosystem.

As part of the solution, today electronic waste is becoming a great job opportunity for many people. Formal recycling centers are emerging in several cities around the world that allow materials such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, palladium, among others, to be recovered.

To contribute to this objective, in Chile there are various companies in charge of collecting and recycling all types of electronic waste, whom companies and people can contact to correctly dispose of equipment that no longer works, thus contributing to the reduction of these alarming figures.

At Hidronor we are committed to this type of ecological initiatives. Let's join the circular economy and promote waste recovery!


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