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Economic benefits of implementing good environmental policies


Posted on December 14, 2020.

Looking to generate a change of awareness and positive actions for the environment, there is a study Chilean that seeks to demystify the belief that environmental policies are only to combat climate change, showing that, in addition, these bring I get financial benefits by reducing the risk caused by variation in fossil fuel prices.

According to the study, people they mistakenly think that economic benefits are only associated with cost reduction, but do not consider the risks. For example, one of the main arguments of large companies to stop working with renewable energies is that the cost of these is much higher than what they would generate when working with traditional energy, but what about the risks that this does it cause to the environment?

In this sense, the same study highlights that the use of renewable energies in combination represents a lower economic risk that fossil-based energies (coal, oil, gas natural), since they do not have the volatile factor in the price. In addition, it highlights that it is easy to think that renewable energies could produce problems due to intermittence, being a non-constant and unsafe source of resources due to climate change; however, according to analysis on the risk reduction, the danger of intermittency is greatly reduced when these are combined. 

We invite you to read the report full here .



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