Useful Tips

Composting: The solution to household waste

residuos domiciliarios

Published on February 26, 2016.-

Did you know that 50% of what we throw away in our homes is Solid waste domiciliary (food or vegetable remains)?

These have forced the design of sanitary landfills so that they have increasing capacity and threaten, in the form of percolated liquids, the quality of surface and groundwater. Although the definitive solution is not simple, there is still a technique that for years has been viable and allows converting this waste into resources; composting.

Compost bins reduce the impact of odor or liquid emissions, and avoid the presence of insects. In addition, these allow us to treat our own organic waste, in increasingly reduced spaces, which when transformed into compost serve as fertilizer for small gardens.

Ultimately, what we must understand is that composting brings many benefits, although it is not such an obvious contribution, it allows us to simply reduce one of the main problems of waste management.



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