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Industry News

Interview with the Minister of MMA and his vision on the commitment to the environment


Published on May 03, 2016.-

An interview conducted by the newspaper Publimetro to the Minister of the Environment Pablo Badenier, who talks about the current environmental commitment of the country and ensures that Chileans and companies are increasingly concerned and interested in caring for the environment and the final disposal of business waste.

In addition, he highlighted the work of environmental NGOs that are dedicated to promoting this, even before the State promoted laws such as the REP law. On the other hand, it refers to recycling in Chile, noting that "the issue of biodiversity and the management of household and industrial hazardous waste are two of the areas in which they have less progress" and acknowledges that there is a debt to regulate .

Regarding the REP Law, he adds that “it allows modifying some indicators that are of great concern: Chile today generates a little more than 7 million tons of household solid waste, our daily waste production rate is 1.1 kilograms per inhabitant, which is a high and exponentially growing rate ”, he concludes.

To read the full interview, click Here.

Source: http //:


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