Industry News

GHG reduction: study shows that companies have seen their sustainability actions grow

Residuos industriales

In Chile, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the energy sector represent 75% of the country's total by 2020, followed by the Agriculture sector with 11%, then the Waste sector (7%), and finally the Industrial Processes sector and Product Use (IPPU) (7%), according to data from the Ministry of the Environment.

To reduce these figures, state policies have committed to achieving neutrality in GHG emissions no later than 2050., what has been established in the Climate Change Framework Law (LMCC, No. 21,455, 2022). Along this path, companies that lead sustainability actions have seen their value grow at a global, customer and financial level, among others, according to EY's 2023 Sustainable Value Study.

At Hidronor we applaud companies that are in line with this Law and that add to our values of improving sustainable practices and technologies. As a company we deliver safe and comprehensive solutions in accordance with our strategies based on the management, treatment, transportation and final disposal of waste.

Let's collaborate with the implementation of public environmental initiatives!


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