Industry News

REP Law: they launch a new platform to report compliance with goals

The management systems will have until May 31 to deliver their final report related to goals and obligations for priority products.

The Ministry of the Environment reported that REP-SG is now available, the new platform for management systems - individual and collective - to comply with the obligation to report their activities related to the REP Law.

According to the Ministry, they will have until May 31 of this year to deliver their final report related to goals and obligations established in the 2023 decrees for priority products, such as tires, containers and packaging. 

At Hidronor we contribute to the value chain of the circular economy, since we are aligned with the valorization goals of the six Priority Products established by the REP Law. This is how we support companies:

  • Valuing lubricating oils or products with calorific value that are contaminated to convert them into alternative fuels.
  • Consolidating at a national level different electrical and electronic devices in disuse to be recovered by recycling companies.
  • Delivering customized revaluation solutions and safe final disposal of disused batteries.
  • Upgrading car batteries that contain acid and lead to produce cathodes for mining.
  • Providing treatment, revaluation and recycling of contaminated containers and packaging.
  • Providing recycling solutions for smaller scale tires, such as trucks and vehicles, through Greendot, a Hidronor company.

Join the lifestyle that promotes the circular economy! It all starts in our homes! 


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