Industry News

Advance REP Law: Approval of the first collective management system for industrial containers and packaging

Ley REP sistema gestion envases y embalajes industriales

In order to advance in an orderly manner in the implementation of the REP Law, last year it was decided to create collective Management Systems (SG) for different types of waste, which are entities formed exclusively by producers that allow companies to comply with the collection and recovery goals imposed by Supreme Decree 12/2020.

Based on this need, the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) recently approved the creation of ProREP: the first SG exclusively for industrial and commercial containers and packaging (E&E) in Chile to complete its formalization process and be able to operate nationwide. This will seek to meet the goals of its associates, promoting recycling, returnability, reuse and traceability of industrial containers and packaging.

On this point, it is worth noting that the goals and obligations of home and non-home E&E are different and the SG must present a specific management plan for each of these categories.

To date, no other collective non-residential E&E SG, other than ProREP, has been approved by the MMA. It already has more than 160 partner companies from different sectors, such as chemicals, agri-food, plastics, mining, health, automotive, among others.

At Hidronor we support the progress of this type of initiative and through our services focused on the management, treatment and revaluation of industrial and hazardous waste we will continue to add value to the sustainability of the country.


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