Industry News

Waste management in times of COVID19

Manejo de residuos en tiempos de COVID19

Published on March 23, 2020.

The Ministry of Health gave instructions for those who have the task of caring for people infected with COVID19 in order to teach them how to properly eliminate the waste generated. In the case of health institutions and waste disposal, it was indicated that they should be governed by the Regulation on waste management in health establishments REAS.

Everyone those items used by infected people and their caregivers, such as such as gloves, masks, handkerchiefs, among others, must be placed in a container lined with plastic, well sealed to later place with other household waste. In the case of clothing used by infected people, bedding and towels must be washed Machine 60-90 ° C with common detergent and allow to dry well. All contaminated clothing must be arranged in a plastic bag, avoiding manipulation and approach with other garments. Hydronor calls for self-care in the face of the global pandemic of COVID19, that's why you we ask #Quadteencasa



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