Industry News

Dam Program, Online monitoring in tailings deposits

Monitoreo en línea en depósitos de relaves

Published on December 21, 2018.-

As a result of the application of the new National Tailings Policy, an innovation known as the Tranque Program was born, which seeks to contribute to the design of a new national standard for monitoring tailings deposits, proposing critical variables to evaluate the performance of these facilities and data analysis models that allow to have timely and pertinent information for its management.

The objective of presenting this program is that the monitoring contributes to a preventive operational management of the deposits, an efficient remote control and the generation of trust between the different actors who will have access to this information through a digital platform. In addition to obtaining a timely response to possible emergencies.

The Minister of Mining, Baldo Prokurica, stressed the need to continue advancing through the program to expand the lines of work in the management of tailings deposits in three foci: reprocessing, reconversion and reuse.

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