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UN celebrates World Environment Day encouraging a world without plastic pollution


Published on June 05, 2019.

The United Nations (UN), aware that the protection and improvement of the human environment is a fundamental issue that affects the well-being of peoples and the economic development of the entire world day by day, designated June 5 as the International Day World Environment.

Every year, World Environment Day is organized around a theme and serves to focus and raise awareness about it. The theme chosen for this year is to have a world without plastic pollution. The initiative starts as a call to the population of the world in favor of a planet without plastic pollution, highlighting how it threatens marine and human life, destroying ecosystems.

The main objective of this theme is to raise awareness about the need to reduce the amount of plastic that is dumped into our oceans. The celebration of this day aims to make us aware that we ourselves can change habits in our day to day to reduce the heavy burden of plastic pollution in our nature, in our wildlife and on our own health. While it is true that plastic has a number of valuable uses, we are overly reliant on single-use or disposable plastic, and that has serious environmental consequences.




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