With the aim of continuing to promote actions that help counteract the devastating effects of climate change, the Ministry of the Environment recently announced a bill on organic waste -such as fruit or vegetable remains- to improve its management, separating the themselves to be able to value them before they are disposed of in sanitary landfills -many of which are already ending their useful life-.
This under the reality that of the 58% of this waste generated at the national level, our country only recycles or valorizes 1%, so this initiative would help to considerably reduce the volume of garbage generated.
If approved, the regulation will be applied gradually and is planned for the long term, with a horizon of 15 years until the policy fully enters into force.
Associated with this, the project also considers the implementation of biogas plants at the national level that make up a robust waste treatment system. In fact, experts indicate that our country has the necessary knowledge and technical capacity to implement these plants on a massive level, which in addition to generating energy and fertilizer would reduce the volume of organic waste.
At Hidronor we are aligned with this initiative and as part of the value chain we have a biogas plant inserted in our sanitary landfill (located in Copiulemu, Florida commune, Biobío region), where we generate biogas thanks to the decomposition of the portion organic present in the urban solid waste that we receive. Thanks to this, we annually contribute more than 6,000,000 kWh of energy to the distribution system, making better use of waste.
For more information on carrying out this management, we invite you to review a interview made to our Sales and Marketing manager, Juan Andrés Salamanca, where he explained this topic in detail.
Let's continue building a more sustainable Chile together!
Source: País Circular