Industry News

SMA decrees reportability of environmental data in landfills


Approved by the Exempt Resolution No. 431 of March 1, 2021, the SMA published the “Specific Instruction for the submission of Operational and Environmental Data Reports for Fiscal Units of Final Disposal of Domestic and Assimilable Solid Waste (landfills and garbage dumps)” in the Official Gazette, in order to regulate this information and follow up on the area more efficiently.

This new regulation will apply to all companies that own projects or activities part of the SEIA by means of an environmental impact statement and whose RCA establishes the goals for the final disposal of household and similar solid waste.

Likewise, the document establishes that, for those projects in which the variable to be reported cannot be measured with traditional instruments, estimated values will be accepted which must be duly supported and available when required by the SMA.

This new measure will be applied gradually to take effect in sanitary landfills as of July 31, 2021, whereas for landfills it will be enforceable as of January 31, 2022.

Check all the info of the National System of Environmental Enforcement Information (SNIFA) in the following link



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