Industry News

Chile leads the Latin American ranking in the generation of single-use plastics. How can you help solve this problem?

Chile lidera ranking Latinoamérica en generación de plásticos de un solo uso

The contribution of single-use plastics to pollution has become a major problem, both in Chile and worldwide, and despite the fact that our country has taken measures to eliminate these wastes, the actions have not been enough.

According to a study prepared by the Australian association Minderoo Foundation, Chile annually produces 51 kilos of single-use plastic per capita, a much higher number than in other countries of the region. This places us in position number 11 out of the 100 nations analyzed (there are no other Latin American countries in the first 10 places).

To mitigate these figures, we offer you some ideas that may be relevant in our daily actions to add to the planet’s sustainability and a circular economy increasement:

If you can, buy in bulk: Use reusable jars to transport food as far as is possible. This way you reduce the generation of plastic waste and even save!

Prefer sustainable material: In order to create awareness, the market offers different alternatives to eliminate plastic from your life. For example, by preferring bamboo toothbrushes or utensils designed with recycled material. Moreover, use reusable containers or glass containers.

Choose compostable alternatives: Today, products made from biodegradable biopolymers are becoming more and more popular, not only to make container trays and bottles but makes up to 100% eco-friendly light bulbs. Review the different alternatives available in the market and incorporate them into your daily life.

With these ideas we move forward together towards the construction of a more sustainable country. Let's contribute to the sustainability goals!

Source: Social responsability


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