Useful Tips

Why shouldn't we put used oil in the dishwasher?

¿Por qué no debemos botar el aceite usado en el lavaplatos?

Published on August 21, 2017.-

Despite being a common practice, throwing used oil in the dishwasher is not the most advisable thing, since it could generate consequences such as plugs in the pipes and eventual urban pests. Furthermore, ending up in rivers or lakes would directly harm the ecosystem of the place, since just one liter of used oil can contaminate a thousand liters of water. 

Likewise, this type of waste cannot be spilled on the ground, since it could generate infertility of the land, so, if we do not have access to recycle the product, it is advisable to wait for the oil to cool before pouring it into a bottle and leave it in the trash.

Most of the used oil that is recycled is used to produce biodiesel, one of the most sustainable biofuels because it does not use food raw materials, making it a good alternative to traditional fossil fuels. 



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