Hidronor News

Recovery and sanitation of contaminated soils: an urgent need in Chile


Currently, our country has 3,363 sites with contaminated soils, the vast majority located in the Antofagasta and Araucanía regions, followed by Tarapacá and Los Ríos, according to reports from the Ministry of the Environment (MMA).

In order to face this reality, in 2009 the agency promulgated the "National Policy for the Management of Sites with the Presence of Pollutants", but despite this, the road ahead seems quite broad and challenging. In fact, to date we are the only OECD country that does not have specific legislation related to the treatment and disposal of contaminated land or soil.

Faced with this reality, the best scenario that we can adopt as a country is to implement services that contribute to environmental remediation, highlighting, among others, the polluted land remediation,and that is what we at Hidronor have been doing for the last 25 years to combat climate change.

As a company concerned about caring for the environment, in the last decade we have successfully managed more than 450,000 tons of contaminated soil through comprehensive solutions for the remediation, sanitation, and revaluation of environmental liabilities, such as abandoned tailings deposits and land contaminated with hydrocarbons and other substances.

With our services we generate value to reduce the main impacts of industrial activity caused by the dispersion, spillage or transfer of hazardous substances that finally accumulate in the soil of industrial facilities, thus generating various diseases for human beings and also negative effects for environment.

However, we maintain a direct relationship with the mining sector, which is responsible for the generation of 20% of the waste declared nationally. Thanks to our services and the constant improvement in our processes (added to the know-how that characterizes us) we will continue contributing to the care of the ecosystem and ensuring to build a more sustainable Chile for all.


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