The circular economy drive is establishing itself as a new paradigm in the productive aspects in Chile, with a direct migration process towards a more sustainable production. In pursuit of this goal, we at Hidronor, with our services, contribute to a large part of the companies that must take care of their own waste responsibly with EPR coming into force.
This regulation is promoted as a pillar for the management of hazardous waste, in the modification to Supreme Decree 148 establishing seven categories of priority products that must be regulated in the country: lubricants; car batteries; batteries, electrical and electronic devices; tires; containers and packaging; and textiles. All these items must be subject to the guidelines established in the regulations, when the producer/importer introduces more than 300 kilos of any of these elements into the market.
“At Hidronor, we support companies to get in charge of six of the seven priority products regulated by this law, under the concept “from waste to resource”: contaminated lubricants or products with calorific value, which we convert in alternative fuels with good quality standards to be used by cement companies; Likewise, we support the recovery of car batteries that contain lead acid, which can be used for the production of cathodes in mining. As for batteries, electrical and electronic devices, we make good use of different parts when dismantled, as well as with precious metals, as are gold, copper, silver, cadmium. We also attend to plastic containers that contain hazardous waste, which can be reused by decontaminating them correctly and reinserting them in the production chain”, highlights Jorge Stagno, general manager of Hidronor Chile.
In the same manner, we also support companies with the alternative of recovering and revaluing soil through the remediation of contaminated land, in addition to having the capacity to export and incinerate waste for those that require it, such as PCBs, which by regulation must stop being used in Chile in 2025 and correctly disposed of in 2028, for which we responsibly provide the disposal service, as well as the management of non-standard products, among others.